WSSB is pleased to offer a one day workshop for TVIs and O&M specialists who serve children ages birth to 5?  Topics covered include:

1) Babies Count: Using a national database to identify and define a population of young children with BVI.  What is our role here in WA?
2) Introduction to Infant Mental Health, Trauma Exposure Responses, and Implicit Biases: Recognizing them in ourselves and others
3) The Art of Home Visiting: Keys to working with families of young children with BVI
4) Active Learning: Implementing approaches into classroom settings, home visits, and family routines

Workshop Details:
Friday, June 14, 2019
9am to 3pm
WSSB-Fries Auditorium

Cost: $40, includes lunch and snacks
5 CEUs will be available through ESD 112
Target audience: TVIs and O&M who serve birth to 5

For information or registration contact DeEtte Snyder, Washington State School for the Blind at (360)947-3305 or email